1. Manage StreamNative Clusters

Manage StreamNative Clusters

Cluster Overview

A StreamNative instance comprises one or more StreamNative clusters that operate in unison. Clusters can be distributed across geographical locations and can replicate among themselves using geo-replication.


In StreamNative Console, you can create one and only one cluster for an instance.

Cluster Features and Usage limits

You can find the features and usage limits of different Clusters in Cluster Types and Regions.

For details about how to work with clusters, such as creating, editing, checking, and deleting clusters, see work with clusters.

Cluster location

Each StreamNative cluster is associated with a geographical location. The locations are available at Cluster Types & Regions in StreamNative Cloud.

Available Cluster features

You can enable the following features for a StreamNative cluster.


The Pulsar WebSocket API provides a simple way to interact with Pulsar using languages that do not have an official client library. Through the WebSocket API, you can use the WebSocket producer and consumer to produce and consume messages to and from a topic. For details, see connect to cluster through WebSocket API.

Kafka protocol

You can add the Kafka protocol to your StreamNative cluster. With Kafka protocol enabled, you can migrate your existing Kafka applications and services to StreamNative without modifying the code. Currently, this is a beta feature. If you want to try out this feature, submit a ticket with this request to the support team.

Audit log

Audit logs track and store authorization activities in StreamNative clusters, tenants, namespaces, and topics. For details about how to enable and work with audit logs, see audit log.

Cluster configurations

When you provision a StreamNative cluster, StreamNative Cloud automatically configures the security, networking, compute, and storage aspects of the cluster. Various scaling parameters are customizable based on your workload and your budget. These parameters stem from the Pulsar architecture and are specified on a per-component basis.

Broker parameters
ParameterDefault valueDescription
Replicas2Specify the number of brokers.
CUs/node0.5 CUs/nodeSpecify the CU
BookKeeper parameters
ParameterDefault valueDescription
Replicas3Specify the number of bookies.
SUs/node0.5 SUs/nodeSpecify the SU
Backlog parameters
ParameterDefault valueDescription
Backlog Quota Size-1Specify the backlog quota size.
Backlog Retention PolicyN/ASpecify the retention policy when the backlog quota threshold is reached.
- producer_request_hold: the broker holds producers' sent requests until the resource becomes available or until the holding times out.
- producer_exception: the broker rejects producers' send requests.
- consumer_backlog_eviction: the broker evicts the oldest messages from the slowest consumer's backlog.

Throttling parameters

ParameterDefault valueDescription
Max Producers Per TopicN/ASpecify the maximum number of producers allowed to connect to a topic.
Max Consumers Per TopicN/ASpecify the maximum number of consumers allowed to connect to a topic.
Max Consumers Per SubscriptionN/ASpecify the maximum number of consumers allowed to connect to a subscription.

Dispatch rate parameters

ParameterDefault valueDescription
Dispatch Rate Per TopicN/ASpecify the topic-based dispatch rate.
- Throughput (bytes/second): specify the topic-based dispatch rate (in bytes/second).
- Rate (messages/second): specify the topic-based dispatch rate (in messages/second).
Dispatch Rate Per SubscriptionN/ASpecify the subscription-based dispatch rate.
- Throughput (bytes/second): specify the subscription-based dispatch rate (in bytes/second).
- Rate (messages/second): specify the subscription-based dispatch rate (in messages/second).
Subscribe Rate Per ConsumerN/ASpecify the subscribe rate for each consumer.
Rate (subscribes/second): specify the subscribe rate for each consumer (in subscribes/second).

Cluster Service URLs

Once provisioned, a StreamNative cluster is accessible through service URLs. A service URL is an HTTPS or TLS endpoint that is exposed to the Internet and protected by authentication methods (OAuth2 and API Keys). The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a service endpoint is based on the name of the StreamNative cluster.

StreamNative Cloud provides the following service URLs for a StreamNative cluster:

  • Pulsar HTTP Service URL: the HTTP URL of a StreamNative cluster. After being granted the Admin access right, you can use the pulsar-admin or pulsarctl CLI tool to connect to and manage the StreamNative cluster.
  • Pulsar Broker Service URL: the broker URL of a StreamNative cluster. After being granted the produce and consume permissions, you can use the pulsar-client CLI tool or Pulsar clients to connect to and communicate with the StreamNative cluster.
  • Pulsar WebSocket Service URL: the URL for a WebSocket-enabled StreamNative cluster. After being granted the Admin access right, you can use the WebSocket API to connect to and communicate with the StreamNative cluster.
  • Kafka Service URL: the URL for a StreamNative cluster with the Kafka protocol enabled. After being granted the Admin access right, you can use the Kafka CLI tool or Kafka clients to connect to and communicate with the StreamNative cluster.
  • Kafka Schema Registry Service URL: the URL for Kafka Schema Registry service enabled on a StreamNative cluster.
  • MQTT Service URL: the URL for MQTT service enabled on a StreamNative cluster.

Create a cluster

To create a cluster, follow these steps.

  1. On the left navigation pane, click Dashboard.

  2. On the Instances card, perform one of the following operations:

    • If you have deplopyed one or more instances, click the Add icon create a new instances.
    • If you have not deployed any instance, click New to create a new instance.
  3. Click Deploy Dedicated to start the instance creation process.

  4. On the Instance Configuration page, enter a name for your instance, select an infrastructure pool, and select the multi Availability Zone (AZ).

  5. Click Cluster Location to start the cluster creation process.

  6. Enter a name for your cluster, select the cluster location, and then click Cluster Size.

  7. Use the slider to select your cluster size. There are 5 pre-selected sizes you can choose from. The Approximate Cost section updates as you move the slider.

    screenshot of the cluster sizing slider

  8. (Optional) Click the Advanced tab to select custom sizing options.

  9. (Optional) In the Features section, enable the features you want on your cluster. You can enable or disable these features at any time by editing your cluster after it has been created.

    screenshot of the cluster features section

  10. (Optional) Expand the Add optional custom configurations section to specify optional custom configuration parameters.

    Backlog Quota SizeEnter the backlog quota size.
    Backlog Retention PolicyEnter the retention policy when the backlog quota threshold is reached.
    - producer_request_hold: the broker holds producers' sent requests until the resource becomes available or until the holding times out.
    - producer_exception: the broker rejects producers' send requests.
    - consumer_backlog_eviction: the broker evicts the oldest messages from the slowest consumer's backlog.
    Max Producers Per TopicEnter the maximum number of producers allowed to connect to a topic.
    Max Consumers Per TopicEnter the maximum number of consumers allowed to connect to a topic.
    Max Consumers Per SubscriptionEnter the maximum number of consumers allowed to connect to a subscription.
    Dispatch Rate Per TopicEnter the topic-based dispatch rate.
    - Throughput (bytes/second): specify the topic-based dispatch rate (in bytes/second).
    - Rate (messages/second): specify the topic-based dispatch rate (in messages/second).
    Dispatch Rate Per SubscriptionEnter the subscription-based dispatch rate.
    - Throughput (bytes/second): specify the subscription-based dispatch rate (in bytes/second).
    - Rate (messages/second): specify the subscription-based dispatch rate (in messages/second).
    Subscribe Rate Per ConsumerEnter the subscribe rate for each consumer.
    Rate (subscribes/second): specify the subscribe rate for each consumer (in subscribes/second).
  11. Click Finish. The cluster page displays, showing the cluster creation process. The cluster is ready for use after all components have been successfully deployed.

View cluster details

You can view the cluster for a specific instance, including the cluster name and service URLs. Currently, only one cluster is available for each instance.

On the left navigation pane, in the Admin area, click Pulsar Clusters.

  • On the Dashboard tab, you can view some metrics about the cluster, including the number of topics, subscriptions, consumers, producers, throughput, storage size, and backlog size.
  • On the Details tab, you can view the details about the cluster, including the cluster name, location, availability mode, cloud provider, cluster type, service URLs, the features enabled on the cluster, and your Pulsar, BookKeeper, and ZooKeeper versions.

Update a cluster

  1. On the left navigation pane, in the Admin area, click Pulsar Clusters.

  2. On the Dashboard tab, click Edit Cluster.

  3. Update the cluster.

    • Select the Basic tab, and then select a different cluster size.
    • Select the Advanced tab to change advanced cluster settings.
  4. Click Finish when you are done updating your cluster.

Delete a cluster


You cannot delete a cluster if there are resources associated with the cluster.

To delete a cluster, follow these steps.

  1. On the left navigation pane, in the Admin area, click Pulsar Clusters.

  2. Select the Details tab.

  3. In the Warning section, click Delete Cluster. A dialog box displays asking, Are you sure you want to delete this?

  4. Enter the cluster name and then click Confirm.

Next step

Manage Instances