1. Process Data Streams
  2. Develop Functions

Develop Pulsar Functions in Python

This section introduces how to develop and pacakge Python Pulsar functions to use on StreamNative cloud.


StreamNative supports all features for the Python functions, please refer to: Develop Functions to learn how to develop a Python Function.


Please refer to: Pacakge Python Functions


After creating a cluster, set up your environment and develop&package your function, you can use the pulsarctl, pulsar-admin command, the REST API, or terraform to deploy a Pulsar function to your cluster.

You can create a Python Pulsar function by using a local .py, .pip, or .zip file or an uploaded Pulsar functions package(recommend).

(Optional) Upload your function file to Pulsar

It's recommend to upload your function file to Pulsar before you create a function. Since you can add a version suffix to the package.

You need to set the context for Pulsarctl first:

# create a context
pulsarctl context set ${context-name}  \
--admin-service-url ${admin-service-url} \
--issuer-endpoint ${issuerUrl} \
--audience urn:sn:pulsar:${orgName}:${instanceName} \
--key-file ${privateKey}

# activate oauth2
pulsarctl oauth2 activate


Replace the placeholder variables with the actual values that you can get when setting up client tools.

  • context-name: any name you want
  • admin-service-url: the HTTP service URL of your Pulsar cluster.
  • privateKey: the path to the downloaded OAuth2 key file.
  • issuerUrl: the URL of the OAuth2 issuer.
  • audience: the Uniform Resource Name (URN), which is a combination of the urn:sn:pulsar, your organization name, and your Pulsar instance name.

Upload packages

pulsarctl packages upload function://public/default/[email protected] \
--path exclamation-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--description "exclamation function" \
--properties fileName=exclamation-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

You should see the following output:

The package 'function://public/default/[email protected]' uploaded from path 'examples/api-examples.jar' successfully


pulsarctl functions create \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name function1 \
--inputs persistent://public/default/test-python-input \
--output persistent://public/default/test-python-output \
--classname exclamation.ExclamationFunction \
--py function://public/default/[email protected]

You should see something like this:

Created function1 successfully

For details about Pulsar function configurations, see Pulsar function configurations.

What’s next?

Develop Java Functions