1. Operating StreamNative Platform
  2. Network

Expose services

StreamNative Platform provides the ingress component to expose following services.

  • Pulsar Proxy
  • StreamNative Console
  • Grafana

Access types

You can configure Pulsar service with different types according to the scenarios, such as ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer, and use different access methods for different types.

  • ClusterIP exposes services through the internal IP of the cluster. When selecting this type of service, you can only access it within the cluster by the following methods:

    • ClusterIP + ServicePort
    • Service domain name (${serviceName}.${namespace}) + ServicePort
  • LoadBalancer: clients connect to Pulsar proxies, Grafana, StreamNative Console using the Kubernetes provider's load balancer.

  • NodePort: If there is no LoadBalancer, you can choose to expose the service through NodePort. NodePort exposes services through the node's IP address and static port. You can access a NodePort service from outside of the cluster by requesting NodeIP + NodePort

Here is an example about obtaining the Pulsar services information by running the following command.


kubectl get services pulsar-broker -n snpe
NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                       AGE
pulsar-broker           ClusterIP      None             <none>        8080:31062/TCP,6650:32198/TCP             2m22s

The above example describes the information of the Pulsar broker service in the snpe namespace. The type is ClusterIP. The ServicePort is 8080 and 6650. The NodePort is 31062 and 32198.

Access Pulsar cluster using load balancer

To allow external access to the Pulsar cluster using load balancers, follow these steps.

  1. Set the following in the Pulsar configuration YAML file.

    # Ingresses for exposing Pulsar services
    # Ingresses for exposing pulsar service publicly
       enabled: true
       # If you enable proxy tls, you should enable this too.
       enabled: true
       # If you use aws lb, recommend to add this
       service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb
  2. Apply the new configuration.

    helm upgrade -f /path/to/your/file.yaml <release_name> streamnative/sn-platform -n <k8s_namespace>
  3. Get the external IP address or the URL.

    kubectl get svc/<release_name>-sn-platform-proxy-ingress -n <k8s_namespace>

    Then you can access the Pulsar cluster through the proxy-ingress HOST/IP address. The relative port should be 8080/6650 for non-TLS access and 443/6651 for TLS access.

Access StreamNative Console and Grafana using load balancer

StreamNative Platform provides the same interface for the client accessing StreamNative Console and Grafana services.

To allow external access to the StreamNative Console and Grafana using load balancers, follow these steps.

  1. Set the following in the Pulsar configuration YAML file.

    # Ingresses for exposing monitoring/management services publicly
      enabled: true
      # If you use aws lb, recommend to add this
      service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb
      enabled: true
      # Set external domain of the load balancer of ingress controller
      # external_domain:
  2. Apply the new configuration.

    helm upgrade -f /path/to/your/file.yaml <release_name> streamnative/sn-platform -n <k8s_namespace>
  3. Get the external IP address or the URL.

    kubectl get svc/<release_name>-sn-platform-nginx-ingress-controller -n <k8s_namespace>

    You can access StreamNative Console and Grafana through nginx-ingress-controller HOST/IP address. The relative port is 80.

    • StreamNative Console URL: http://[nginx-ingress-HOST]/
    • Grafana URL: http://[nginx-ingress-HOST]/grafana