1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.10

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.3.3

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.3.3



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v2.10.3.3



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#19362) [fix][broker] fixed the build error for pattern matching variable in lower JVM versions

(#19354) [fix][client] Fix reader listener can't auto ack with pooled message.

(#19343) [improve][broker] Replaced checkBackloggedCursors with checkBackloggedCursor(single subscription check) upon subscription

(#19294) [fix][cli][branch-2.10] Fix mbeans to json

(#19341) [improve][broker] Added isActive in ManagedCursorImpl

(#19275) [fix] [ml] Topics stats shows msgBacklog but there reality no backlog

(#18416) [fix][broker] Fix open cursor with null-initialPosition result with earliest position

(#19170) [fix][build] Upgrade dependency-check-maven plugin to fix broken OWASP check

(#19105) [improve][sec] Suppress false positive OWASP reports

(#19284) [fix][broker] AbstractBatchedMetadataStore - use AlreadyClosedException instead of IllegalStateException

(#19254) [improve][websocket][branch-2.10] Add ping support

(#19184) [fix][broker] Pass subName for subscription operations in ServerCnx

Cloud Storage Connector

(#515) [fix][sink] Reset currentBatchSize & currentBatchBytes on failing records

(#516) [fix][sink] Fix sink failing upon schema retrieval exceptions

(#532) [docs] Add troubleshooting section to readme

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

[fix][rest] Fix produce message without schema

Function Mesh Worker Service

update function mesh to version v0.10.0

support hpa strategies

Support vpa

Snowflake Connector

(#37) fix docs format

(#32) Update content and code format in snowflake-sink.md

(#28) Fix stage name
