- References
- Release Notes
Release note V1.9.0
Release Date: 2023-03-17
- Support Pulsar REST messaging service to produce and consume messages with a RESTful interface
- Support the proxyRoles configuration
- Add the mergeMetrics configuration to make Istio annotation merge-metrics configurable
- Add custom annotations and labels for BookKeeperCluster, PulsarBroker, PulsarProxy, and ZooKeeperCluster CRs
- Add the datadog namespace configuration to support prefixed to every metric when viewed in Datadog
- Upgrade the StreamNative Console image version to v1.14.10
- Upgrade Vault, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Node-exporter image repositories and versions to fix Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
Bug Fixes
- Fix the proxy address issue in the Toolset ConfigMap
- Fix the broker secretRefs in Istio mode
- Fix the broken Grafana Containers Metrics dashboard and add ZooKeeper-3.6 dashboard
- Fix the duplicate CA tag in the cert template
- Replace image repository k8s.gcr.io with registry.k8s.io for external-DNS and Prometheus-adapter
- Fix several issues in the sn-pulsar Datadog template
- Fix the code format issues in several documents.
- Update the code example for using the Python client to connect to a Pulsarcluster.
- Update the code examples in the PCK tutorials.
- Update the StreamNative Platform version matrix document for image version updates for StreamNative Platform 1.9.0.
- Add the Geo-replication overview document and the configuration guide.