1. References
  2. Release Notes

Release note V1.5.0

StreamNative Platform 1.5.0 is now available. This release includes documentation updates for the following topics.

  • Integration of cert-manager with Istio: StreamNative Platform supports cert-manager, which can automatically generate and manage TLS certs for Istio.

  • Integration MoP with Istio: since release 1.4.0, StreamNative Platform supported the MQTT-on-Pulsar (MoP) protocol handler. In this release, StreamNative Platform supports exposing MoP service on Istio Gateway. For details, see configure Istio.

  • StreamNative Console: StreamNative Console adds the Connector page. You can create, update, and clone the source and sink connectors. For details, see the Create Connectors or see the Create Connectors.

  • Function Mesh Worker service: StreamNative Platform supports Function Mesh Worker service. You can leverage Function Mesh while still using the pulsar-admin or pulsarctl CLI tools to manage Pulsar functions and connectors. For details about how to enable Function Mesh Worker service, see configure Function Mesh Worker service.
