1. Operating StreamNative Platform
  2. Protocols

Configure MoP

MQTT on Pulsar (MoP) is a protocol handler developed by StreamNative to natively support the MQTT protocol on the Pulsar broker. By adding the MoP protocol handler to your existing Pulsar cluster, you can now migrate your existing MQTT applications and services to Pulsar without modifying the code.

Enable MoP

This section describes how to enable MoP on StreamNative Platform.

Prerequisites for enabling MoP

  • sn-platform chart: 1.4.0 or higher
  • pulsar-operator chart: 0.10.0 or higher


To enable MoP within a Kubernetes cluster, you can set broker.mop.enabled and broker.mop.proxyEnabled to true in the values.yaml YAML file as follows and use the helm upgrade command to update the resource.

  1. Enable MoP.

        enabled: true
        proxyEnabled: true
  2. (Optional) If you want to enable authentication and authorization, set the broker.mop.authenticationEnabled and broker.mop.authorizationEnabled to true in the values.yaml YAML file as follows.


    MoP inherits all the authentication and authorization methods from the Pulsar broker configurations.

        enabled: true
        # -- enable token authentication
        authenticationEnabled: true
        # -- enable authorization
        authorizationEnabled: true
  3. Apply the new configuration.

    helm upgrade -f /path/to/your/values.yaml <release_name> streamnative/sn-platform -n <k8s_namespace>

Connect to your Pulsar cluster using Eclipse Mosquitto

You can use any client that supports the MQTT protocol to publish data into Pulsar. This section shows how to use the Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT CLI tool to connect to a Pulsar cluster and then produce and consume messages to and from the Pulsar cluster.



To connect to a Pulsar cluster using the Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT CLI tool, follow these steps.

  1. Deploy an Eclipse Mosquitto Pod.

    a. Define an Eclipse Mosquitto as below and save the YAML file (pod.yaml).

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: mosquitto
        app: mosquitto
        - name: mqtt-cli
          image: eclipse-mosquitto
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - sleep
            - 3600s

    b. Apply your configurations.

    kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
  2. Subscribe to messages from the Pulsar cluster.

    a. Open a new terminal window and enter the Eclipse Mosquitto Pod.

    kubectl exec -it mosquitto -- sh

    b. Subscribe to messages from the Pulsar cluster.

    mosquitto_sub -h <broker_service> -p 5682 -t <topic_name>

    If you have enabled authentication, use the token as the password. The username can be any string.

    mosquitto_sub -h <broker_service> -p 5682 -u mqtt -P <token> -t <topic_name>
  3. Publish messages to the Pulsar cluster.

    a. Open a new terminal window and enter the Eclipse Mosquitto Pod.

    kubectl exec -it mosquitto -- sh

    b. Publish messages to the Pulsar cluster.

    mosquitto_pub -h <broker_service> -p 5682 -t <topic_name> -m "hello pulsar"

    If you have enabled authentication, execute the following command.

    mosquitto_pub -h <broker_service> -p 5682 -u mqtt -p <token> -t <topic_name> -m "hello pulsar"
Configure Kafka on Pulsar