Create Connectors


Before deploying a connector to StreamNative Cloud, make sure the following prerequisites have been met:

Create a built-in connector


Before creating a connector, it’s highly recommended to do the following:

  1. Check connector availability to ensure the version number of the connector you want to create is supported on StreamNative Cloud.
  2. Go to StreamNative Hub and find the connector-specific docs of your version for configuration reference.

The following example shows how to create a data generator source connector named test on Streamnative Cloud using different tools. The builtin:// is followed by the name of the built-in connector, such as builtin://data-generator.

To create a data generator source connector named test, run the following command.

pulsarctl sources create --archive builtin://data-generator --destination-topic-name public/default/dg-test --source-config '{"sleepBetweenMessages": 60}' --name test

You should see the following output:

Created test successfully

If you want to verify whether the data generator source connector has been created successfully, run the following command:

pulsarctl sources list

You should see the following output:

| test                |


If you want to create a sink connector, use the pulsarctl sinks create command.

For all the common configurations of built-in connectors, see Configuration reference.

Pass sensitive configs to connector

Some connectors require sensitive information, such as passwords, token, to be passed to the connector. And you may not want to expose these sensitive information in the connector configuration. To solve this problem, you can use the following methods to pass sensitive information to the connector:

  • Create a secret

    For example, the AWS lambda sink connector requires the AWS access key and secret key to be passed to the connector. You can create a secret in the console UI and pass the secret name to the connector configuration.

    screenshot of creating secret for AWS lambda sink


    The location should be the same as the region of your Pulsar cluster.

    The awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey is the field name, and the lambda-sink-secret can be any unique name you want to give to the secret.


    Only "sensitive" fields are able to load from secrets. You can get the list of sensitive fields from the connector configuration reference. E.g. AWS lambda sink configurations

  • Pass secrets to the connector configuration

    The following example shows how to create an AWS lambda sink connector named test on Streamnative Cloud using different tools. The builtin:// is followed by the name of the built-in connector, such as builtin://data-generator.

    To create an AWS lambda sink connector named test, run the following command.

    pulsarctl sinks create --archive builtin://aws-lambda --inputs public/default/lambda-sink-test --sink-config '{"awsRegion": "us-west-2","lambdaFunctionName": "test-hello","payloadFormat": "V2"}' --secrets '{"awsAccessKey":{"path":"lambda-sink-secret","key":"awsAccessKey"},"awsSecretKey":{"path":"lambda-sink-secret","key":"awsSecretKey"}}' --name test

    You should see the following output:

    Created test successfully


    The awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey is the field name, and the lambda-sink-secret is the secret name you created in UI.

    If you want to verify whether the AWS lambda sink connector has been created successfully, run the following command:

    pulsarctl sinks list

    You should see the following output:

    | test                |

    For all the common configurations of built-in connectors, see Configuration reference.

Check Connector Availability