1. Manage StreamNative Clusters

Cluster Types & Regions in StreamNative Cloud

StreamNative offers various cluster types in the StreamNative Cloud. The type of cluster you choose impacts its features, capabilities, and cost. Utilize this guide to identify the cluster that best meets your requirements.

You can compare the features of different StreamNative cluster types here.

Hosted Clusters

Hosted clusters are fully managed on StreamNative's cloud infrastructure. They support the following capabilities:

  1. Deployment in supported regions on AWS, GCP, and Azure with a 99.95% uptime SLA for Single-Zone and 99.99% for Multi-Zone.

  2. Optional multi-zone high availability, spreading a cluster across three availability zones for enhanced resilience.

  3. Simplified scaling in terms of Compute Units (CUs) and Storage Units (SUs).

  4. Programmable or automatic scaling options.

Hosted Cloud Providers & Regions

The following is a list of cloud providers along with the regions and zones supported for Hosted Clusters:


ap-southeast-2Asia Pacific (Sydney)
eu-central-1Europe (Frankfurt)
eu-west-1Europe (Ireland)
us-east-2US East (Ohio)


europe-west1St. Ghislain, Belgium, Europe
us-central1Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America


eastusUS East

Hosted Features and Usage Limits

The following table outlines the features and usage limits for the Hosted Clusters:

Type Features Capability
Service Uptime SLA 99.95%
Multi AZ 99.99%
Scale Throughput limit per topic Max 100 MBps
Storage limit per topic Max 1000 TB
Tenant limit Max 128
Namespace limit Max 1024
Topic limit Max 10240
Cloud providers GCP Yes
Azure Yes

BYOC Clusters

BYOC clusters are designed for production-ready deployments in your Cloud account, tailored to meet your data security, compliance, and sovereignty requirements. They offer the following capabilities:

  1. Dedicated deployments in your chosen region within your cloud account (AWS, GCP, Azure) with a 99.95% uptime SLA for Single-Zone and 99.99% for Multi-Zone.

  2. Private networking options including AWS PrivateLink, Azure PrivateLink, and GCP Private Service Connect.

  3. Optional multi-zone high availability, spreading a cluster across three availability zones for increased resilience.

  4. Simplified scaling in terms of CUs and SUs.

  5. Programmable or automatic scaling options.

BYOC Cloud Providers & Regions

A BYOC cluster can be deployed in any selected region in your cloud account across AWS, GCP, and Azure.

BYOC Pro Clusters

BYOC Pro Clusters are designed for critical production workloads and offer enhanced security and networking features, including:

  1. Advanced private networking options like VPC/VNet Peering and Transit Gateway.

  2. Remote writes to external observability systems.

  3. Lakehouse tiered storage solutions.

  4. Self-managed keys (Bring-Your-Own-Key) for AWS, Azure, or GCP.

BYOC Pro Cloud Providers & Regions

BYOC Pro Clusters can be deployed in any selected region in your cloud account across AWS, GCP, and Azure.
