1. Manage StreamNative Clusters

Manage StreamNative Instances

A Pulsar instance represents a cohesive group of clusters functioning together as a unified entity.

Each instance is uniquely identified by a Uniform Resource Name (URN), following the structure urn:sn:pulsar:organization-id:pulsar-instance-name. You can retrieve the organization name and the instance name using the snctl get organizations <organization-id> and snctl get pulsarinstance <instance-name> commands, respectively. When a Pulsar client establishes a connection to a Pulsar cluster via the OAuth2 authentication method, this URN is required for the authentication process.

Once you have created an organization, you can create one or more Hosted or BYOC instances within that organization. However, before you can create BYOC instances, you must first provision one or more BYOC infrastructure pools in your cloud accounts.

Create an instance

  1. If you are a member of multiple organizations, navigate to the organization you want to create an instance for. In the upper-right corner of the StreamNative Cloud Console, click your Profile and select Organizations to check your created organizations.

  2. Click the name of your organization.

  3. On the Instances card of the Dashboard page, click the Add icon and a dialog box appears.

  4. Click Deploy Hosted to start the instance creation process.

  5. Configure the instance, as outlined in the following table and then click Continue.

    Instance NameEnter a name for the instance. An instance name starts with a lowercase letter, contains any combination of lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-), and must be 4-10 characters.
    InfrastructureSelect an infrastructure pool. The infrastructure pool affects the configuration options for the cluster, network latency for clients accessing the cluster, the geographic location of the nodes in the cluster, and the cost of the running cluster. Currently, Google Cloud and AWS cloud platforms are available.
    If you subscribed to the StreamNative Cloud service through AWS Marketplace, only AWS cloud provider is available.
    If you subscribed to the StreamNative Cloud service through Google Cloud Marketplace, only Google cloud provider is available.
    Availability Zones (AZ)Select Multi AZ to deploy the instance on a Multi-AZ.
  6. In the Create Payment Method box, enter a valid credit card number, and then click Create Payment Method.

    screenshot of created payment method

  7. Click Continue.

You should continue your setup by creating a cluster. See work with clusters for more information.

Manage instances

To view instances created for an organization, follow these steps.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the StreamNative Cloud Console, click your Profile and select Organizations.

  2. Click the name of the organization you want to check.

  3. On the Instances card of the Dashboard page, click the Setting icon to list all the instances available for the organization. You can also view detailed information about the instances, including clusters for the instance, instance status, instance name, cloud provider, availability zone, and instance type.

    screenshot of the instance details page

In addition, you can perform the following operations on this page.

  • Add more instances: click CREATE INSTANCE and go through steps for creating an instance. For details about how to create an instance, see create an instance.

  • Search an instance: enter the instance name in the Search Instances field and press Enter (only available for existing instances).

  • Delete an instance: click the ellipsis at the end of the row of the instance that you want to delete, and then click Delete. Enter the instance name and then click Confirm.


    You cannot delete an instance if there are resources associated with the instance.

Create a Cloud Environment