1. Manage StreamNative Clusters
  2. Scale Clusters

Resize a Cluster


Serverless clusters are elastic and automatically scale based on workloads. There is no need to manually size or resize a Serverless cluster.

This topic describes how to resize an existing StreamNative cluster, including Dedicated, BYOC, and BYOC Pro clusters. These clusters are provisioned and billed in terms of CUs and SUs. Evaluating the number of CUs and SUs your cluster requires helps you reduce costs or scale to meet your data streaming needs.

When you resize a StreamNative cluster, StreamNative automatically redistributes the traffic to help ensure a balanced load across the remaining brokers in the cluster. If you're reducing the size of the cluster, StreamNative removes unused brokers at the end of load balancing and removes unused bookies after re-replication.


Once you request a resize for your cluster, you cannot request another update until the initially requested resize has completed.

Resize a Cluster

This section shows you how to resize an existing StreamNative Cloud cluster, including scaling up and down the cluster and adjusting the required resources.


You can expand the number of CUs and SUs in the StreamNative Cloud Console.

  1. Log in to the StreamNative Cloud Console.

  2. Navigate to the Cluster Workspace.

  3. Click Configuration in the left navigation pane to access Cluster Configuration.

  4. On the Cluster Configuration page, click the Edit Cluster button in the top-right corner. You will be redirected to the Cluster Provisioning page where you can update the cluster configuration and adjust the sizing of the cluster.

  5. Skip the Cluster Configuration page by clicking the Cluster Size button. You will be redirected to the Cluster Size page.

  6. On the Cluster Size page, you can choose between Basic or Advanced mode to expand the cluster.

    • Basic Mode: Use the slider to adjust the required throughput. StreamNative Cloud will automatically calculate the number of brokers and bookies, as well as their respective CUs and SUs per node.

    • Advanced Mode: Manually adjust the number of brokers, bookies, CUs, and SUs per node.

  7. Click the Finish button to complete the cluster expansion.

The cluster will start scaling up, and you will be redirected to a Deploying page that shows the progress of the deployment process. The deployment might take a few minutes to complete, depending on how many resources you are scaling up. You can always click Go To The Dashboard to return to the Cluster Dashboard page. You can see the number of brokers and bookies in real-time on the Cluster Dashboard page.

Cluster Settings