1. Operate Private Cloud
  2. Deploy

Install StreamNative Operator with the Operator Lifecycle Manager


To use StreamNative Private Cloud, the following are required:

  • Install kubectl.
  • Prepare a Kubernetes cluster within the supported versions.

Import license

Before installing the StreamNative Operator, you need to import a valid license. Otherwise, StreamNative Operator will stop reconciling with a "no valid license" error message:

ERROR	controller.pulsarcoordinator	Reconciler error	{"reconciler group": "k8s.streamnative.io", "reconciler kind": "PulsarCoordinator", "name": "private-cloud", "namespace": "pulsar", "error": "No valid license has been found under namespace operators, please contact https://streamnative.io/deployment/start-free-trial"}

If you do not have any license, you can contact StreamNative to apply for a free trial.

When you have a license in hand, you can import it through:


metadata.labels with the cloud.streamnative.io/type: "license" is required because the sn-operator will detect secrets in its namespace with label and to import automatically.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
# This label is a required field for the sn-operator to detect the license.
    cloud.streamnative.io/type: "license"
  name: sn-license
  namespace: operators
type: Opaque
  license: "Your license token"

Install OLM

Run the following command to install OLM.

curl -sL https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/v0.25.0/install.sh | bash -s v0.25.0

Install StreamNative Operator

OLM can deploy StreamNative Operator via the Subscription object.

Run the command below to deploy the StreamNative Private Cloud Operators in the operator namespace.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streamnative/private-cloud/main/quick-start/olm-subscriptions.yaml

Verify that Operator Pods are running.

kubectl get pods -n operators

Provision a Pulsar cluster

Create the namespaces pulsar. The pulsar namespace is used for deploying your Pulsar cluster.

kubectl create ns pulsar

To provision a Pulsar cluster through the StreamNative Operator, you need to define a YAML file for your Pulsar cluster.

Run the command below to deploy your Pulsar cluster in pulsar namespace

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streamnative/private-cloud/main/quick-start/pulsar-cluster.yaml