1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.1

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.1.1.1



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.1.1.1



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21673) [fix][broker] Record GeoPersistentReplicator.msgOut before producer#sendAsync

(#21651) [improve][broker] Print recoverBucketSnapshot log if cursorProperties are empty

(#21690) [fix][broker] Fix typo in the config key

(#21686) [fix][offload] Don't cleanup data when offload met MetaStore exception

(#20933) [improve][build] Upgrade Apache ZooKeeper to 3.9.1

(#21592) [fix][broker] Fix incorrect unack count when using shared subscription on non-persistent topic

(#21632) [fix][broker] Fixed getting incorrect KeyValue schema version

(#21645) [fix][admin] Fix KeyValue schema compatibility check caused OOM

(#21646) [fix][broker] Fix lookupRequestSemaphore leak when topic not found

(#21647) [fix][broker] Fix memory leak during topic compaction

(#21650) [improve][admin] Add clusters check when set replication clusters

(#21659) [fix][build] Fix Stage Docker images fail on M1 Mac


(#253) [schema-registry] Add JSON schema provider

(#254) [improve] Gets the eventExecutor from the request context to register event instead of the fixed eventExecutor

(#249) [schema-registry] Add avro schema provider

(#227) [SNIP-110] KoP topic compaction work with transactions - part1

Cloud Storage Connector

(#820) Update permission describe for AWS S3.

AMQP1_0 Connector

(#766) Load sensitive fields from secrets

AWS Lambda Connector

(#730) [fix][doc] Fix incorrect link in doc

(#729) [Fix] Fix flush timer terminates upon first check if no flush is needed


(#1268) Update golang.org/x/net

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1364) Replace GCS hadoop connector shaded artifact

(#1363) Replace hadoop-common guava-shaded dependency

(#1369) Fix the packages cloud storage failed to find gs schema

(#1362) [pulsarctl-plugin] Bump client-go to 0.20.15

(#1359) Remove shaded protobuf for hadoop-common also from pulsar-tools

(#1356) Fix the metadata tool CI

(#1354) Removed shaded Protobuf dependency from hadoop

a695c0fe Fixed more Go x/net version update

(#1352) Fix the dependency conflict with pulsar broker

(#1347) Fix detector go dep

(#1336) Update aws-java-sdk

(#1335) Update go dependencies to fix CVEs

Google Pub / Sub Connector

(#556) Load sensitive fields from secrets

Activemq Connector

(#30) Load sensitive fields from secrets
