1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.11

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.11.1.1

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.11.1.1



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v2.11.1.1



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#20302) [fix][broker] Fix NPE cause by topic publish rate limiter.

(#20230) [fix][monitor] topic with double quote breaks the prometheus format

(#20271) [fix][txn] optimize the ack/send future in TransactionImpl

(#20030) [fix][broker] Fix the reason label of authentication metrics

(#20055) [fix][txn] Fix transaction is not aborted when send or ACK failed

(#20037) [fix][test] Fix flaky testCreateTopicWithZombieReplicatorCursor

(#19972) [fix][broker] Ignore and remove the replicator cursor when the remote cluster is absent

(#19913) [fix][broker]Make LedgerOffloaderFactory can load the old nar.

(#19899) [fix][broker] Fix can't send ErrorCommand when message is null value

(#19889) [fix][broker] Fix the thread safety issue of BrokerData#getTimeAverageData access

(#19874) [fix][client] Fix NPE when acknowledging multiple messages

(#20074) [fix] [broker] error TimeUnit to record publish latency

(#20233) [fix][broker] Fix the behavior of delayed message in Key_Shared mode

(#18278) [improve][broker] Get lowest PositionImpl from NavigableSet

(#20176) [fix][broker] Fix RoaringBitmap.contains can't check value 65535

(#20190) [improve] [broker] Skip split boundle if only one broker

(#20232) [fix] [broker] Fix infinite ack of Replicator after topic is closed

(#18807) [fix][monitor] Fix the partitioned publisher topic stat aggregation bug

(#20226) [improve][build] Upgrade dependencies to reduce CVE

4a9d75c1b1 Fix checkstyle and compile issue

(#20229) [fix] [broker] Producer created by replicator is not displayed in topic stats

(#19858) [fix][client] Release the orphan producers after the primary consumer is closed

(#20210) [fix][broker] Fix Return value of getPartitionedStats doesn't contain subscription type


(#1837) [fix] Unify fetch offset topic name

(#1809) [improve] Enable transaction and schema registry on docker compose

(#1839) Fix pulsar entry formatter encode zero timestamp record caused exception

(#1834) Upgrade org.json and kaml to non vulnerable versions

6c9fc0e6 Fix javadoc plugin source version

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

Upgrade jackson version

Function Mesh Worker Service

branch2.11 fix list namespaced custom object call
