1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.0

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.0.1.5



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.0.1.5



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21332) [fix][broker] Fix unload operation stuck when use ExtensibleLoadManager

(#21256) [fix][broker][branch-3.0] Fix inconsistent topic policy

(#21398) [fix][sec] Upgrade Zookeeper to 3.8.3 to address CVE-2023-44981

(#21397) [fix][sec] Upgrade Netty to 4.1.100 to address CVE-2023-44487

(#21395) [fix][sec] Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.53 to address CVE-2023-44487

(#21407) [fix][test] Fix LocalBookkeeperEnsemble resource leak in tests

(#21360) [fix][broker] Fix heartbeat namespace create event topic and cannot delete heartbeat topic

(#21348) [fix][broker] Fix heartbeat namespace create transaction internal topic

(#21282) [improve][broker] use ConcurrentHashMap in ServiceUnitStateChannel and avoid recursive update error

(#21418) [fix] [test] [branch-3.0] Fix AutoRecovery flaky test.

(#21414) [fix][test] Fix AuditorLedgerCheckerTest flaky test.

(#21213) (#21313) [fix][broker] Fix lookup heartbeat and sla namespace bundle when using extensible load manager

(#21391) [improve][ci] Add new CI unit test group "Broker Group 4" with cluster migration tests

(#21312) [fix] [auto-recovery] Fix PulsarLedgerUnderreplicationManager notify problem.

(#21378) [fix][test] Fix resource leaks with Pulsar Functions tests

(#21374) [fix][test] Fix some resource leaks in compaction tests

(#21267) [feat][sql] Support UUID for json and avro

(#21366) [fix][test] Fix a resource leak in ClusterMigrationTest

(#21327) [fix] [bk-client] Fix bk client MinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum and EnforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum not work problem.

(#21365) [fix][ci] Fix docker image building by releasing more disk space before building

(#21250) [fix] [ml] fix wrong msg backlog of non-durable cursor after trim ledgers

(#21248) [fix] [ml] Reader can set read-pos to a deleted ledger

(#21222) [fix] [broker] fix flaky test PatternTopicsConsumerImplTest

(#21338) [fix][sec] Fix MultiRoles token provider when using anonymous clients

(#21328) [fix][test] Fix flaky test NarUnpackerTest

(#21310) [fix] [metadata] Fix zookeeper related flacky test

(#21231))) Revert "[fix][broker] Fix inconsistent topic policy

(#21188) [improve] [auto-recovery] Migrate the replication testing from BookKeeper to Pulsar.

(#21231) [fix][broker] Fix inconsistent topic policy

(#20944) [fix][broker] rackaware policy is ineffective when delete zk rack info after bkclient initialize

(#18390) [fix][broker] fix bug caused by optimistic locking

(#21211) [improve] [broker] Not close the socket if lookup failed caused by bundle unloading or metadata ex

(#21259) [fix] [client] fix reader.hasMessageAvailable return false when incoming queue is not empty

(#21201) [improve] [broker] Print warn log if ssl handshake error & print ledger id when switch ledger

(#21302) [fix][ml] Fix thread safe issue with RangeCache.put and RangeCache.clear


(#2007) (#170) [fix] Run messageReadStats metrics registerFailedEvent execute on netty thread

(#180) Ignore metadata init exception to avoid rolling upgrade from failing

(#175) Ignore the flaky MultiLedgerTest.testListOffsetForEmptyRolloverLedger

(#157) Fix txn marker to the offset topic cannot be read

AMQP1_0 Connector

c49dc72 Cherr-picked from #721: Improve sink and source connector docs.

Cloud Pulsar Plugins

(#861) [rest-api-interceptor] Ignore system topics for max topic count check

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1054) disable golang runtime by default

(#999) allow submit very long name resources

(#1047) Set usingInsecureAuth to false by default

(#1014) Add configs: javaOpts/labels/logConfig to CustomRuntimeOptions

Google BigQuery Sink Connector

da966d6 Cherr-picked by #395 and #409: improve sources docs.

Aws EventBridge Connector

(#141) [fix] Fix getting wrong metadata value of sequence_id and producer_name
