1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.11

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.11.3.2



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v2.11.3.2



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21646) [fix][broker] Fix lookupRequestSemaphore leak when topic not found

(#21706) [fix][test] Fix PerformanceProducer send count error

(#21829) Fix String wrong format

(#21856) [fix][broker]Fix NonPersistentDispatcherMultipleConsumers ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

(#21765) [fix][broker] fix the wrong value of BrokerSrevice.maxUnackedMsgsPerDispatcher

(#21917) [fix] [broker] Fix write all compacted out entry into compacted topic

(#21719) [fix][sec] Exclude avro from hadoop-client

(#21341) [fix][sec] Bump avro version to 1.11.3 for CVE-2023-39410

(#21057) [fix][misc] Bump GRPC version to 1.55.3 to fix CVE

(#21397) [fix][sec] Upgrade Netty to 4.1.100 to address CVE-2023-44487

95e1de78eb cve: exclude ch.qos.logback in canal.protocol * resolve CVE-2023-6378

(#21745) (#21850) [fix][broker]Delete compacted ledger when topic is deleted

(#21869) [fix] [ml] Fix retry mechanism of deleting ledgers to invalidate


(#1224) Add test for resubscribe

(#1223) Fix unsubscribe topic cause the test failed.

(#957) remove subs from subscription manager on unsubscribe

(#1211) call equals on formatted strings since they will never be null

(#1219) Add filter system topic when using EventCenter

Cloud Storage Connector

(#874) Update base image

(#873) Update base image

AMQP1_0 Connector

(#808) Update base image

AWS SQS Connector

(#836) Update base image

AWS Lambda Connector

(#772) update-base-image

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1352) Fix the dependency conflict with pulsar broker

(#1054))) Revert "[detector] Separate E2E latency detector per broker

(#1094))) Revert "Extend receive timeout to avoid context timeout

(#1100))) Revert "Support pulsar detector dashboard

(#1292))) Revert "[fix][detector] Cleanup inactive broker's e2e detector

(#1449) [branch-2.11][cve] Update aws-java-sdk

(#1447) [fix][cve] Exclude logback from zookeeper

ae638df5 Fix failed TestE2ELatencyWithMetrics

(#1292) [fix][detector] Cleanup inactive broker's e2e detector

(#1100) Support pulsar detector dashboard

(#1094) Extend receive timeout to avoid context timeout

(#1054) [detector] Separate E2E latency detector per broker

(#1436) Include one older txn log file in the backup when needed

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1170) Use oxia:0.2 image for testing

Google BigQuery Sink Connector

(#479) Update docker base

Snowflake Connector

(#310) Update base image
