1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.3

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.3.0.5



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.3.0.5



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#22991) [fix][broker] Can't connecte to non-persist topic when enable broker client tls

(#22998) [fix][test] Update OpenTelemetry receiver endpoint in integration test

(#22989) [fix][broker] Fix broker OOM when upload a large package.

(#22974) [improve][broker] Improve exception for topic does not have schema to check

(#22856) [improve] [broker] PIP-356 Support Geo-Replication starts at earliest position

(#22838) [fix] [broker] response not-found error if topic does not exist when calling getPartitionedTopicMetadata

(#22773) [improve] [client] PIP-344 support feature flag supportsGetPartitionedMetadataWithoutAutoCreation

(#22206) [fix] [client] PIP-344 Do not create partitioned metadata when calling pulsarClient.getPartitionsForTopic(topicName)

(#22977) [fix][broker] Ensure that PulsarService is ready for serving incoming requests

(#22930) [fix][broker] Update init and shutdown time and other minor logic (ExtensibleLoadManagerImpl only)

(#22899) [fix][broker] Asynchronously return brokerRegistry.lookupAsync when checking if broker is active(ExtensibleLoadManagerImpl only)

(#22862) [fix][broker] Support advertised listeners when gracefully transferring topics (ExtensibleLoadManagerImpl only)

(#22859) [fix][broker] Fix NPE after publishing a tombstone to the service unit channel

(#22743) [fix][broker] Immediately tombstone Deleted and Free state bundles

(#22627) [improve][broker]Ensure namespace deletion doesn't fail


(#618) Fix the TopicExistsInfo object not recycled

Cloud Storage Connector

(#974) [fix]: fix Parquet/Avro format with separated key value avro-avro messages

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1745) Add Pulsar OIDC plugin

(#1764) bump toolchain 1.22.4

(#1682) Support multiple private keys token AuthenticationProvider

Cloud Pulsar Plugins

(#1088) Compatible changes for Auth0 Actions migration

(#1090) Fix oidcIssuers not update after restart broker

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1372) bump sn-operator to v0.5.0-rc.15

(#1359) add kafka connect apis

(#1337) Bump function mesh to 0.21.0

Snowflake Connector

(#436) Improve json schema conversion

StreamNative Tiered storage

(#823) Fix PB repeated nested field issue

(#820) Support protobuf native schema in the lakehouse storage

(#821) Create namespace if it supports and not exists

(#818) Upgrade iceberg to 1.5.2

(#812) Move the iceberg api call to one place

(#815) Enable the brokerMetadataInterceptro in the IT
