1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.1

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.1.0.4

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.1.0.4



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.1.0.4



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21015))) Revert "[fix][broker] Fix PulsarService.getLookupServiceAddress returns wrong port if TLS is enabled

[fix] [auto-recovery] Fix pulsar ledger auditor dead lock problem.

[fix] [auto-recovery] Fix PulsarLedgerUnderreplicationManager notify problem.

[fix][broker] Fix PulsarService.getLookupServiceAddress returns wrong port if TLS is enabled

[improve] [broker] disable balancing based on DirectMemory.

[fix][auto-recovery] Fix metadata store deadlock due to BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.Processor

[fix] [bookie] Fix RocksDB configuration

[fix][broker] fix bug caused by optimistic locking

[fix][broker] Backport fix UniformLoadShedder selecet wrong overloadbroker and underloadbroker

[fix][ci] Enable CI for branch-3.1

[fix] [client] fix same producer/consumer use more than one connection per broker


Add authorization check for schema registry when disabling multi-tenant metadata

Reduce the proxy NAR size by excluding the schema registry dependency

Upload proxy NAR package to release

Init schema registry topic for default tenant when starting protocol handler

[schema registry] Support handling Bearer token for schema registry service

Optimize authorization by caching authorization results

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

Fix OxiaStateStoreProviderImpl int to long error

Cloud Pulsar Plugins

Fix REST API interceptor check for creating partitioned topic with properties

Function Mesh Worker Service

Change connectorSearchIntervalSeconds default value to 600s.

Google BigQuery Sink Connector

Improve sink docs.
