1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.1

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.1.2.1



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.1.2.1



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21880) [improve][broker] Improve NamespaceUnloadStrategy error message

(#21466) [fix][txn] Fix getting last message ID when there are ongoing transactions

(#21867) [improve][broker] Skip loading the NAR packages if not configured

(#21719) [fix][sec] Exclude avro from hadoop-client

(#21804) [improve] [client] Prevent reserve memory with a negative memory size to avoid send task stuck

(#21889) [fix][client] Fix messages in the batch container timed out unexpectedly

(#21765) [fix][broker] fix the wrong value of BrokerSrevice.maxUnackedMsgsPerDispatcher

(#21856) [fix][broker]Fix NonPersistentDispatcherMultipleConsumers ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

(#21695) [improve][build] Add a default username in the image

(#21885) [fix] [broker] Fix break change: could not subscribe partitioned topic with a suffix-matched regexp due to a mistake of PIP-145

(#21853) [fix] [client] Messages lost due to TopicListWatcher reconnect

(#21893) [improve][broker] Don't rollover empty ledgers based on inactivity

(#21865) [fix][broker] Fix compaction/replication data loss when expire messages

(#21869) [fix] [ml] Fix retry mechanism of deleting ledgers to invalidate

(#21855) [improve][broker] defer the ownership checks if the owner is inactive (ExtensibleLoadManager)

(#21810) [fix] [broker] Update topic policies as much as possible when some ex was thrown

(#21675) [improve][io] Make connectors load sensitive fields from secrets

(#21745) [fix][broker] Delete compacted ledger when topic is deleted

(#21718) [fix][broker] Avoid compaction task stuck when the last message to compact is a marker

(#21711) [fix][fn] Fix Deadlock in Functions Worker LeaderService

(#21706) [fix][test] Fix PerformanceProducer send count error

(#21696) [improve][broker] cleanup the empty subscriptionAuthenticationMap in zk when revoke subscription permission

(#21777) [fix][broker] Fix TableViewLoadDataStoreImpl NPE

(#21757) [improve][proxy] Fix comment about enableProxyStatsEndpoints

b0e8b5abb5 Upgrade OWASP dependency check maven plugin version


(#337) Fix offset commit timeout error due to incorrect send timer implementation

9f421ac6 Set project version with 3.1.x

(#325) [schema-registry] Support TLS authentication

(#314) [schema-registry] Wait reader read latest data after writing

(#304) [schema-registry] Support list subjects for schema

(#317) [feature] Support TLS authentication

(#320) Only authentication SASL_PLAINTEXT OR SASL_SSL endpoint

(#319) Increase the default maxReadEntriesNum to 50

(#322) [schema-registry] Support https protocol and multi-listeners

(#307) Make loading offsets synchronous to avoid race condition

Cloud Storage Connector

(#864) [Doc] Add doc for includeTopicToMetadata configuration

(#863) Add default value for the partitionType to partition

(#862) [feat][proposal-2] Support including the topic name to the metadata(#836)

(#860) [Proposal-2] Support including the topic name to the metadata

(#856) Add AWS-S3-Sink doc for proposal-1

(#858) Add doc for new partitioner

(#845) [Proposal-1] Support Partitioner Refactoring

(#847) Proposal-1: Partitioner Refactoring

AMQP1_0 Connector

(#790) Fix incorrect docker images link.


(#1305) Update jose2go to fix GHSA-mhpq-9638-x6pw

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1447) [fix][cve] Exclude logback from zookeeper

(#1292) [fix][detector] Cleanup inactive broker's e2e detector

(#1436) Include one older txn log file in the backup when needed

(#1411) Update jose2go to 1.6.0 to address GHSA-mhpq-9638-x6pw

(#1414) Upgrade pulsar to

(#1397) Release SN-RBAC to branch-3.1

Cloud Pulsar Plugins

(#931) Fix build.sh

(#930) Release apikeys&oauth2 module first in build.sh

(#928) Fix test pom

(#922) Release SN-RBAC to branch-3.1

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1137) add transformFunctionEnabled and disabled by default
