1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.10

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.5.10



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v2.10.5.10



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21660) [authentication] Update original auth data after auth data refresh

(#21530) [fix][ml] Fix unfinished callback when deleting managed ledger

(#21510) [fix][broker] Fix setReplicatedSubscriptionStatus incorrect behavior

(#21485) [fix][client] Fix print error log 'Auto getting partitions failed' when expend partition.

(#21486) [fix][broker] Avoid pass null role in MultiRolesTokenAuthorizationProvider

(#21237) [fix][broker]Fixed produce and consume when anonymousUserRole enabled

(#18949) [fix] [broker] do not filter system topic while shedding.

(#21481) [fix][broker] Fix the deadlock when using BookieRackAffinityMapping with rackaware policy

(#20659))) Revert "[improve][broker][branch-2.10] Backport Linux metrics changes from master branch

(#20932) [fix] [log] fix the vague response if topic not found

(#21220) [improve] [broker] Let the producer request success at the first time if the previous one is inactive

(#21220))) Revert "[improve] [broker] Let the producer request success at the first time if the previous one is inactive

(#21220) [improve] [broker] Let the producer request success at the first time if the previous one is inactive

(#21574) [fix][broker] Correct schema deletion for parititioned topic

(#21610) [branch-2.10][fix][broker] Duplicate LedgerOffloader creation when na…


(#1064) Add rabbitmq amqp-client dependency for test


(#263) [branch-2.10.5] Fix service unit not ready caused UnknownServerException

(#245) [branch-2.10.5] Fix list offset convert long to int caused overflow

AMQP1_0 Connector

d7a957a Fix docker file

AWS SQS Connector

(#806) Refactor create a connector section docs.

(#789) Try fix auto labeling.

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1352) Fix the dependency conflict with pulsar broker

(#1362) [pulsarctl-plugin] Bump client-go to 0.20.15

a5b91842 Fix cve(#1323)

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1081) Fallback to reason field if the lastState's message is empty

(#1021) make memory padding configurable

(#1098) Fix getSinkList and getSourceList impl to avoid showing fields details.

Google BigQuery Sink Connector

(#448) Refactor create a connector section docs.

(#434) Fix auto label bot not work.

Aws EventBridge Connector

(#178) Fix typos in doc

(#174) Refactor create a connector section docs.

(#164) Fix auto label bot not work.

(#160) Fix some docs and deprecated eventBusResourceName config.
