1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.1

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.1.1.2



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.1.1.2



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21801) [fix][broker] Fixed the ExtensibleLoadManagerImpl internal system getTopic failure when the leadership changes #21764

d276550533 Fix testNoCleanupOffloadLedgerWhenMetadataExceptionHappens

(#21790) [fix][client] Fix producer thread block forever on memory limit controller

(#21704) [fix][broker] Fix the issue of topics possibly being deleted.

(#21729) [fix][broker] Skip topic auto-creation for ExtensibleLoadManager internal topics

(#21721) [fix][broker] Fixed ServiceUnitStateChannel monitor to tombstone only inactive bundle states

(#21193) [improve][broker] Avoid record inactiveproducers when deduplication is disable.

(#21730) [fix][sec] Upgrade org.bouncycastle:bc-fips to

(#21684) [fix] [broker] network package lost if enable haProxyProtocolEnabled

(#21341) [fix][sec] Bump avro version to 1.11.3 for CVE-2023-39410


(#300) [schema-registry] Support normalize for registry schema

(#310) Add KSN proxy dashboard

(#296) Remove unused CI workflows

(#293) [schema-registry] Support subject permanent delete


(#288) Support configuring kopAllowedNamespaces dynamically

(#247) [schema-registry] Support parse schema including references

(#220) SNIP-112: Return short topic names for OffsetFetch requests without topics

(#278) [schema-registry] Add Protobuf schema provider

(#269) [Proxy] Fix thread safety issues in BrokerConnectionGroup

(#262) Add Proxy metrics

(#227))) Revert "[SNIP-110] KoP topic compaction work with transactions - part1

Cloud Storage Connector

(#844) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#843) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

d634875 Fix format errors for note.

(#832) Fix typos in doc

(#831) Refactor create a connector section docs.

AMQP1_0 Connector

(#783) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

(#777) Fix format errors for note.

(#773) Refactor create a connector section docs.

(#774) Fix not success upload image

AWS SQS Connector

(#815) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#814) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

(#799) [Doc] PIP-01: Improve data format for AWS SQS sink connector.

(#798) [Implement] PIP-01: Improve data format for AWS SQS sink connector.

(#713) Support load config from secrets

(#708) Upgrade pulsar version to 3.1.x of master branch.

cbdd5e0 Fix format errors for note.

(#806) Refactor create a connector section docs.

AWS Lambda Connector

(#742) Refactor connector creation doc

(#750) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#749) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1399) Update go x/crypto to 0.17 to fix CVE-2023-48795

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1134) Support load docsLink and iconLink for connector catalog.

(#1127) update retry github action owner

Google Pub / Sub Connector

(#571) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#570) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

Google BigQuery Sink Connector

(#457) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#456) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

86abce6 Fix format errors for note.

(#448) Refactor create a connector section docs.

Snowflake Connector

(#283) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#282) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

(#275) Refactor connector creation doc

Aws EventBridge Connector

(#186) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#185) Add sensitive column for configuration properties

(#178) Fix typos in doc

(#174) Refactor create a connector section docs.

Activemq Connector

(#39) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

(#38) Add sensitive column for configuration properties
