1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.10

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.5.15

General Changes

Apache Pulsar

5812b306e6 Bump version to 2.10.0-SNAPSHOT

a76ddbe5af [fix][build] Delete unused import

(#22202) [improve][broker] Consistently add fine-grain authorization to REST API

(#21995) [improve] [broker] Do not print an Error log when responding to HTTP-404 when calling Admin API and the topic does not exist.

(#19013) [improve][admin]internalGetMessageById shouldn't be allowed on partitioned topic

(#20846) [improve][broker] Avoid print redirect exception log when get list from bundle

(#22144) [fix][sec] Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.54.v20240208 to address CVE-2024-22201

(#22184) [improve][fn] Add configuration for connector & functions package url sources

7256bb7167 Adjust license header format

4b5dba7794 Fix #22163 cherry-picking problem

(#22163) [improve][broker] Add fine-grain authorization to retention admin API

(#21395) [fix][sec] Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.53 to address CVE-2023-44487

1b72d46206 Revert changes to functions_worker.conf used in system tests

5624616dbe Fix warning "calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated"

(#22122) [improve][fn] Optimize Function Worker startup by lazy loading and direct zip/bytecode access

(#22086) [fix][sec] Upgrade commons-compress to 1.26.0

(#22081) [fix][broker] Support running docker container with gid != 0


(#429) Update LICENSE

AWS Lambda Connector

(#819) Enable unit tests for weekly release

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1546) Use an old version of the sn/charts

Function Mesh Worker Service

21f4587f Fix ci

949a8a60 Deprecate classloader

Google Pub / Sub Connector

ff32f8f Add puul_request trigger condition
