1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.10

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.3.4

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.3.4



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v2.10.3.4



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#19479) [fix][security] Fix secure problem CVE-2017-1000487

(#19270) [cleanup][broker] Validate originalPrincipal earlier in ServerCnx

(#19507) [fix][broker] Make ServerCnx#originalAuthData volatile

(#19481) [fix][fn] Fix k8s merge runtime opts bug

(#19392) [fix][client] Fix async completion in ConsumerImpl#processPossibleToDLQ

(#19428) [fix][ml] Reset individualDeletedMessagesSerializedSize after acked all messages.

(#19412) [fix][authorization] Fix the return value of canConsumeAsync

(#16744) [Improve][broker] Support clear old bookie data for BKCluster

(#17419) [fix][broker] Remove timestamp from broker metrics

(#19199) [fix][broker] Fix race condition while updating partition number

(#19467) (#19473) [cherry-pick][branch-2.10] Allow superusers to abort transactions

(#19201) [fix][txn] fix txn coordinator recover handle committing and aborting txn race condition.

(#19308) [improve][txn] Handle changeToReadyState failure correctly in TC client

(#19346) [fix] [ml] The atomicity of multiple fields of ml is broken

(#19415) [fix][ml] Fix potential NPE cause future never complete.

(#18672) [fix][broker] Fix PulsarRegistrationClient and ZkRegistrationClient not aware rack info problem.

(#12615)) (#19439) [revert][misc] "modify check waitingForPingResponse with volatile

(#19454) [cherry-pick][branch-2.10] Close TransactionBuffer when create persistent topic timeout

(#19129)) Revert "[fix][broker] Topic could be in fenced state forever if deletion fails

(#19446) [fix][broker] Expect msgs after server initiated CloseProducer

(#19223) [improve][broker] Copy subscription properties during updating the topic partition number.

(#19341) [improve][broker] Added isActive in ManagedCursorImpl

(#19341) [improve][broker] Added isActive in ManagedCursorImpl

(#19258) [fix][txn] Catch and log runtime exceptions in async operations

(#19129) [fix][broker] Topic could be in fenced state forever if deletion fails

(#19404) [fix] [ml] Fix the incorrect total size if use ML interceptor

(#19230) [fix][broker] Support deleting partitioned topics with the keyword -partition-

(#18421) [improve][client] Change the get lastMessageId to debug level

(#18877) [fix] [broker] getLastMessageId returns a wrong batch index of last message if enabled read compacted

(#18898) [fix][misc] do not require encryption on system topics

(#18975) [fix][broker]fix multi invocation for ledger createComplete

(#17009) [fix][txn] Correct the prompt message

(#17123) (#19423) [fix][broker] Pass subscriptionName to auth service

(#16756) [fix][broker]optimize the shutdown sequence of broker service when it close

(#19288) Close TransactionBuffer when MessageDeduplication#checkStatus failed

(#19377) [fix][io] Update Elasticsearch sink idle cnx timeout to 30s

(#19331) [fix][proxy] Only go to connecting state once

(#19327) [fix][client] Set fields earlier for correct ClientCnx initialization

(#19028) [fix][client] Prevent DNS reverse lookup when physical address is an IP address


(#1722) [bugfix] Fix NPE in PendingTopicFutures and fix KafkaMessageOrderTestBase

(#1720) [cleanup] Remove static LOOKUP_CLIENT_MAP

(#1506) Extract KafkaTopicLookupManager from KafkaTopicManager to decouple it from Kafka request handling and producer/consumer caching logic

(#1642) Optimize performance of EncodeResult.updateProducerStats and DecodeResult.updateConsumerStats

(#1609) [flaky-test] Fix MultiLedgerTest.testListOffsetForEmptyRolloverLedger flaky test

(#1603) [fix] Make ProducerIdManagerImpl thread safe

(#1602) [fix] Use thread-safe list in TransactionMarkerChannelManager

(#1598) Transactions - reduce log level

(#1587) [improve] Remove partition log when bundle unload

(#1626) [bugfix] Fix memory leak in case of closed connections with pending requests

(#1694) [Doc] - Add entryFormat description and performance test class

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

[rest] Support consumer API manual ack message.

[pulsar-rest] Supports automatic cleaning of idle consumers.

Function Mesh Worker Service

Infer type class name

Support hot-reloading built-in connectors when the config file changes

Lakehouse Connector

(#236) [fix][sec] Fix CVEs introduced by log4j 1.2.17
