1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.0

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.0.4.5



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v3.0.4.5



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#22683) [improve][offload] Replace usage of shaded class in OffsetsCache

052525ffe6 [fix][build][branch-3.0] Remove unused import added in cherry-picking

(#22679) [fix][offload] Fix OOM in tiered storage, caused by unbounded offsets cache

(#22673) [fix] [broker] Fix nothing changed after removing dynamic configs

(#22617) [improve] Retry re-validating ResourceLock with backoff after errors

(#22594) [fix] [test] Fix flaky test ReplicatorTest

(#17524) [fix][broker] One topic can be closed multiple times concurrently

(#21948) [fix] [broker] Part-2: Replicator can not created successfully due to an orphan replicator in the previous topic owner

(#22537) [improve] [broker] Create partitioned topics automatically when enable topic level replication

(#21946) [fix] [broker] Part-1: Replicator can not created successfully due to an orphan replicator in the previous topic owner

(#22662) [fix] [ml] Mark delete stuck due to switching cursor ledger fails

fd823f6cad [cleanup] [test] Cleanup unnecessary imports

(#22580) [fix] [broker] Fix metrics pulsar_topic_load_failed_count is 0 when load non-persistent topic fails and fix the flaky test testBrokerStatsTopicLoadFailed

(#19236) [improve][broker] Add topic_load_failed metric

(#22611) [fix][test] Fix the flaky tests of ManagedLedgerImplUtilsTest


(#1216) bump Pulsar


aa5a178 Fix compile issue.


(#536) Remove spamming logs when loading groups from the offset topic

Cloud Storage Connector

(#966) fix: Read JSON directly from the original data when formatType=json

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1289) Support list functions/connectos across tenants and namespaces

(#1314) Update doc to correct functionality on REST api
