1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v3.0

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v3.0.3.1

General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#22023))) Revert "[fix][sec] Add a check for the input time value


(#408) [fix][transaction] Fix send messages with transaction in async way

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1546) Use an old version of the sn/charts

Cloud Pulsar Plugins

(#997) ApiKeys: Avoid check JWT token expired time in authorization

(#995) [SN-RBAC] added functions, sources, sinks interceptor path

(#990) Oauth2: Avoid check JWT token expired time in authorization

Function Mesh Worker Service

d7b2f1da Avoid error in tune runner vm
