1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.10

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.4.8

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.4.8

General Changes


(#1047))) (#1055) Revert "Add ping request for adapter channel

(#1053) Fix close reader NPE.

(#1047) Add ping request for adapter channel

(#1048) Fix mock object

782c303 Improve test.

(#1051) Fix publish latency unit

(#1049) Improve log to avoid too much error

(#1050) Fix bundle is being unload IllegalState exception

(#1045) Fix NPE cased by inflating message

(#1040) Fix lookup issue for MQTT-5

(#1041) Fix IllegalReferenceCountException exception to break the callback

a752a2b Fix JDK version in the workflow

(#1038) Bump project & pulsar version to

(#1037) Fix dispatch docker build

(#1035) Support fast build docker image

Function Mesh Worker Service

remove java17 grammar for backward comp

add service account annotation if is created via sn cloud service account
