1. References
  2. StreamNative Pulsar Changelogs
  3. v2.10

StreamNative Weekly Release Notes v2.10.5.12



  • https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar/releases/tag/v2.10.5.12



General Changes

Apache Pulsar

(#21057))) Revert "[fix][misc] Bump GRPC version to 1.55.3 to fix CVE

(#21869) [fix] [ml] Fix retry mechanism of deleting ledgers to invalidate

(#21810) [fix] [broker] Update topic policies as much as possible when some ex was thrown

(#21690) [fix][broker] Fix typo in the config key

(#21578) [improve][broker] Support not retaining null-key message during topic compaction

5e70810f98 Upgrade OWASP dependency check maven plugin version

(#21704) [fix][broker] Fix the issue of topics possibly being deleted.

7348cd1ace [fix][sec] exclude logback from zookeeper(#14601)

(#21397) [fix][sec] Upgrade Netty to 4.1.100 to address CVE-2023-44487

(#20933) [improve][build] Upgrade Apache ZooKeeper to 3.9.1

(#21057) [fix][misc] Bump GRPC version to 1.55.3 to fix CVE

(#21341) [fix][sec] Bump avro version to 1.11.3 for CVE-2023-39410

(#21280) [fix][sec] Upgrade snappy-java to

Cloud Storage Connector

(#844) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

AMQP1_0 Connector

a15d831 Fix typos in doc

AWS SQS Connector

(#815) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

AWS Lambda Connector

(#750) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

StreamNative Pulsar Plugins

(#1356) Fix the metadata tool CI

Function Mesh Worker Service

(#1134) Support load docsLink and iconLink for connector catalog.

(#1127) update retry github action owner

Google Pub / Sub Connector

(#571) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

Google BigQuery Sink Connector

(#457) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

Snowflake Connector

(#283) Update nick-invision to nick-fields

Aws EventBridge Connector

(#186) Update nick-invision to nick-fields
