1. Operating StreamNative Platform
  2. Deploy

Plan for StreamNative Platform deployment

This document describes recommended options for deploying StreamNative Platform.

Deployment workflow

In general, the workflow for manually installing StreamNative Platform and deploying a Pulsar cluster consists of these steps:


Review the prerequisites for StreamNative Platform deployment. For details, see prerequisites.

  1. Prepare your Kubernetes environment.

  2. Configure StreamNative Platform.

  3. Deploy StreamNative Platform.

  4. Manage StreamNative Platform.

  5. Monitor StreamNative Platform.


This section lists minimum requirements for installing StreamNative Platform.

Software requirements

This table lists software requirements for installing StreamNative Platform.

Software nameVersion
DockerDocker CE v18.09.6
Kubernetesv1.16 or higher
CentOSv7.6 and kernel v3.10.0-957 or higher

Hardware requirements

This table lists the minimum hardware requirements on a 3-node Kubernetes cluster for test purposes. You can customize your Kubernetes node configuration based on your production environment requirements.

CPU4 cores
Memory16 GB
Disk50 GB

Required tools

Configure local PVs and storage classes

If you deploy a local Kubernetes cluster, you need to configure the local PVs and storage classes for persisting data to your local storage. For details, see local PVs and storage classes.

Docker registry

You can get all the Docker images required for deploying StreamNative Platform from a Docker registry and then deploy it on to your Kubernetes cluster.


By default, all publicly-available Docker images are hosted on Docker Hub from the streamnative repositories.

If you choose to use your own Docker registry and repositories, you must pull the images from the streamnative repositories and upload them to your Docker registry repositories.

Preload Docker images

If you have limited access to the Internet, you can preload the docker images before installing StreamNative Platform. A Docker image contains application code, libraries, tools, dependencies and other files needed to make an application run. When you run an image, it can become one or many instances of a container. For supported Docker images and their download links, see StreamNative Platform version matrix.

You can use the docker load command to upload these images to your Docker registry repositories.


You must provide dynamic persistent storage for all StreamNative Platform components. If you deploy a local Kubernetes cluster, you need to configure the local PVs and storage class for persisting data to your local storage. For details, see configure storage.


This section includes Kubernetes security and StreamNative Platform security.

Kubernetes security

With Kubernetes Role-based access control (RBAC) and namespaces, you can deploy StreamNative Platform in one of two ways:

  • (Recommended) provide access to provision and manage StreamNative Platform resources in one specific namespace.

  • Provide access to provision and manage StreamNative Platform resources across all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster.

StreamNative Platform security

StreamNative Platform supports the following processes to enforce security.

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

  • Network encryption

  • Configuration Secrets

For production deployments, StreamNative Platform recommends the following security mechanisms:

  • Enable SSL/Plain for Kafka client authentication.

  • Enable JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for Pulsar client authentication.

  • Enable TLS for network encryption for both internal traffic between StreamNative Platform components and external traffic from clients to StreamNative Platform components.


StreamNative Platform provides two ways for client applications to access StreamNative Platform components that are deployed in the same Kubernetes cluster or in a different cluster.

  • If StreamNative Platform components are deployed in the same Kubernetes cluster, you can access them through the ClusterIP mode.

  • If StreamNative Platform components are deployed outside the Kubernetes cluster, you can access them through the NodePort or LoadBalancer mode.

For details, see configure networking.

Quick Start