is a Kafka Connect connector for generating mock data for testing and is not suitable for production scenarios. It is available in the StreamNative Cloud.
Quick Start
- Setup the kcctl client: doc
- Create a json file like below:
{ "name": "datagen", "config": { "connector.class": "io.confluent.kafka.connect.datagen.DatagenConnector", "kafka.topic": "users", "quickstart": "users", "key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter", "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter", "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false", "max.interval": 1000, "iterations": 10000000, "tasks.max": "1" } }
- Run the following command to create the connector:
kcctl create -f <filename>.json
The kafka-connect-datagen
connector is configured using the following properties:
Parameter | Description | Default |
kafka.topic | Topic to write to | |
max.interval | Max interval between messages (ms) | 500 |
iterations | Number of messages to send from each task, or less than 1 for unlimited | -1 |
schema.string | The literal JSON-encoded Avro schema to use. Cannot be set with schema.filename or quickstart . | |
schema.filename | Filename of schema to use. Cannot be set with schema.string or quickstart . This config is not enabled on StreamNative Cloud. | |
schema.keyfield | Name of field to use as the message key | |
quickstart | Name of quickstart to use. Cannot be set with schema.string or schema.filename |
For full details, see the offical kafka-connect-datagen documentation.
Using the bundled schema
The quickstart
property can be set to one of the following values:
Value | Description |
clickstream_codes | Generates clickstream codes data |
clickstream | Generates clickstream data |
clickstream_users | Generates clickstream users data |
orders | Generates order data |
ratings | Generates ratings data |
users | Generates user data |
users_ | Generates alternative user data |
pageviews | Generates pageview data |
stock_trades | Generates stock trade data |
inventory | Generates inventory data |
product | Generates product data |
purchases | Generates purchase data |
transactions | Generates transaction data |
stores | Generates store data |
creadit_cards | Generates credit card data |
campaign_finance | Generates campaign finance data |
fleet_mgmt_description | Generates fleet management description data |
fleet_mgmt_location | Generates fleet management location data |
fleet_mgmt_sensors | Generates fleet management sensor data |
pizza_orders | Generates pizza order data |
pizza_orders_completed | Generates completed pizza order data |
pizza_orders_cancelled | Generates cancelled pizza order data |
insurance_offers | Generates insurance offer data |
insurance_customers | Generates insurance customer data |
insurance_customer_activity | Generates insurance customer activity data |
gaming_games | Generates gaming game data |
gaming_players | Generates gaming player data |
gaming_player_activity | Generates gaming player activity data |
payroll_employee | Generates payroll employee data |
payroll_empolyee_location | Generates payroll employee location data |
payroll_bonus | Generates payroll bonus data |
syslog_logs | Generates syslog log data |
device_information | Generates device information data |
siem_logs | Generates SIEM log data |
shoes | Generates shoe data |
shoe_customers | Generates shoe customer data |
shoe_orders | Generates shoe order data |
shoe_clickstream | Generates shoe clickstream data |