Kafka Connect Datagen Source
kafka-connect-datagen is a Kafka Connect connector for generating mock data for testing and is not suitable for production scenarios.

Available on
StreamNative Cloud console

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Support type
Apache License 2.0

kafka-connect-datagen is a Kafka Connect connector for generating mock data for testing and is not suitable for production scenarios. It is available in the StreamNative Cloud.

Quick Start

  1. Setup the kcctl client: doc
  2. Create a json file like below:
        "name": "datagen",
        "config": {
            "connector.class": "io.confluent.kafka.connect.datagen.DatagenConnector",
            "kafka.topic": "users",
            "quickstart": "users",
            "key.converter": "",
            "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
            "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
            "max.interval": 1000,
            "iterations": 10000000,
            "tasks.max": "1"
  3. Run the following command to create the connector:
    kcctl create -f <filename>.json


The kafka-connect-datagen connector is configured using the following properties:

kafka.topicTopic to write to
max.intervalMax interval between messages (ms)500
iterationsNumber of messages to send from each task, or less than 1 for unlimited-1
schema.stringThe literal JSON-encoded Avro schema to use. Cannot be set with schema.filename or quickstart.
schema.filenameFilename of schema to use. Cannot be set with schema.string or quickstart. This config is not enabled on StreamNative Cloud.
schema.keyfieldName of field to use as the message key
quickstartName of quickstart to use. Cannot be set with schema.string or schema.filename

For full details, see the offical kafka-connect-datagen documentation.

Using the bundled schema

The quickstart property can be set to one of the following values:

clickstream_codesGenerates clickstream codes data
clickstreamGenerates clickstream data
clickstream_usersGenerates clickstream users data
ordersGenerates order data
ratingsGenerates ratings data
usersGenerates user data
users_Generates alternative user data
pageviewsGenerates pageview data
stock_tradesGenerates stock trade data
inventoryGenerates inventory data
productGenerates product data
purchasesGenerates purchase data
transactionsGenerates transaction data
storesGenerates store data
creadit_cardsGenerates credit card data
campaign_financeGenerates campaign finance data
fleet_mgmt_descriptionGenerates fleet management description data
fleet_mgmt_locationGenerates fleet management location data
fleet_mgmt_sensorsGenerates fleet management sensor data
pizza_ordersGenerates pizza order data
pizza_orders_completedGenerates completed pizza order data
pizza_orders_cancelledGenerates cancelled pizza order data
insurance_offersGenerates insurance offer data
insurance_customersGenerates insurance customer data
insurance_customer_activityGenerates insurance customer activity data
gaming_gamesGenerates gaming game data
gaming_playersGenerates gaming player data
gaming_player_activityGenerates gaming player activity data
payroll_employeeGenerates payroll employee data
payroll_empolyee_locationGenerates payroll employee location data
payroll_bonusGenerates payroll bonus data
syslog_logsGenerates syslog log data
device_informationGenerates device information data
siem_logsGenerates SIEM log data
shoesGenerates shoe data
shoe_customersGenerates shoe customer data
shoe_ordersGenerates shoe order data
shoe_clickstreamGenerates shoe clickstream data