1. StreamNative Console

Work with service accounts

Service accounts are created for automation purposes, such as to authenticate bots that operate on your organization.

Create a service account


Currently, you can't edit a service account. If you need a service account to have Super Admin access, make sure to enable it when creating the service account. By default, service accounts do not have Super Admin enabled.

To create a service account, follow these steps.

  1. On the left navigation pane, click Service Accounts.

  2. Click Create Service Account.

  3. (Optional) Select Super Admin to grant the service account with Super admin access to a namespace or tenant.

  4. Enter a name for the service account, and then click Confirm.

Check service account details

After you have created a service account, you can check the details of the account.

  • On the left navigation pane, click Service Accounts. The Service Accounts page displays all of the created service accounts.

The table below describes the details that you can view about the service account.

NameThe name of the service account.
TokenThe token for the service account.
OrganizationThe organization that the service account was created in.
StatusThe status of the service account.
AdminWhether the service account has Super Admin enabled or not.
...Click the ellipsis to display the delete icon.

Get a service account token

The token is used for authentication. Tokens are only valid for seven days. When a token expires, you need to generate a new token for authentication.


Before using an API key, verify that the service account is authorized to access the resources, such as tenants, namespaces, and topics.

You can follow the instructions to create an API key for the service account you choose to use.

Delete a service account

To delete a service account, follow these steps.

  1. On the left navigation pane, click Service Accounts.

  2. Click the ellipsis at the end of the row of the service account you want to delete, and then select Delete.

    screenshot showing the ellipsis at the end of the service account details row

  3. On the dialog box asking, Are you sure you want to delete this service account?, click Confirm.

Configure the OIDC token for a service account

StreamNative Platform allows you to set the rotation period, verification period, and Time To Live (TTL) of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) token for a service account.

  component: 'vault'
  replicaCount: 3
    created: true
    name: ''
    rotation_period: 24h # --- [1]
    verification_ttl: 24h # --- [2]
    ttl: 12h # --- [3]
  • [1] rotation_period: specify how often to generate a new key. By default, it is set to 24h (24 hours).
  • [2] verification_ttl: specify how long the public portion of a key will be available for verification after being rotated. The verification_ttl should be greater than ttl but not greater than 10 times of rotation_period. By default, it is set to 24h (24 hours).
  • [3] ttl: specify the TTL for the OIDC token for the service account. By default, it is set to 12h (12 hours).
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