Configuration Reference

This section lists all the common configuration options for the built-in source and sink connectors. For connector-specific configurations, see StreamNative Hub.

Source connector configurations

This table lists all the common configurations for a source connector.

-a, --archiveThe path to the NAR archive for the source.
It supports the file-URL-path (file://) which assumes that the NAR file already exists on the worker host from which the worker can download the package.
For a built-in connector, it should be set to builtin//<connector_name>.
--classnameThe source's class name if the archive is set to a file-URL-path (file://).
--cpuThe CPU (in cores) that needs to be allocated per source instance (applicable only to Docker runtime).
--deserialization-classnameThe SerDe classname for the source.
--destination-topic-nameThe Pulsar topic to which data is sent.
--diskThe disk (in bytes) that needs to be allocated per source instance (applicable only to Docker runtime).
--nameThe source's name.
--namespaceThe source's namespace.
--parallelismThe source's parallelism factor, that is, the number of source instances to run.
--processing-guaranteesThe processing guarantees (also named as delivery semantics) applied to the source. A source connector receives messages from the external system and writes messages to a Pulsar topic. The --processing-guarantees ensures the processing guarantees for writing messages to the Pulsar topic.
--ramThe RAM (in bytes) that needs to be allocated per source instance (applicable only to the process and Docker runtimes).
-st, --schema-typeThe schema type.
Either a built-in schema (for example, AVRO and JSON) or a custom schema class name to be used to encode messages emitted from source.
--source-configThe key/values configurations of the source. For example: '{"sleepBetweenMessages": 60}'; For configuration details, refer to the documentation of each connector
--source-config-fileThe path to a YAML config file that specifies the source's configuration.
-t, --source-typeThe source's connector provider.
--tenantThe source's tenant.
--producer-configThe custom producer configuration (as a JSON string).

Sink connector configurations

This table lists all the common configurations for a sink connector.

-a, --archiveThe path to the archive file for the sink.
It supports the file-URL-path (file://) which assumes that the NAR file already exists on the worker host from which the worker can download the package.
For a built-in connector, it should be set to builtin//<connector_name>.
--classnameThe sink's class name if the archive is set to a file-URL-path (file://).
--cpuThe CPU (in cores) that needs to be allocated per sink instance (applicable only to Docker runtime).
--custom-schema-inputsThe map of input topics to schema types or class names (as a JSON string).
--custom-serde-inputsThe map of input topics to SerDe class names (as a JSON string).
--diskThe disk (in bytes) that needs to be allocated per sink instance (applicable only to Docker runtime).
-i, --inputsThe sink's input topic or topics (multiple topics can be specified as a comma-separated list).
--nameThe sink's name.
--namespaceThe sink's namespace.
--parallelismThe sink's parallelism factor, that is, the number of sink instances to run.
--processing-guaranteesThe processing guarantees (also known as delivery semantics) applied to the sink. The --processing-guarantees implementation in Pulsar also relies on sink implementation.
--ramThe RAM (in bytes) that needs to be allocated per sink instance (applicable only to the process and Docker runtimes).
--retain-orderingSink consumes messages in order.
--sink-configThe key/values configurations of the sink. For example: '{"sleepBetweenMessages": 60}'; For configuration details, refer to the documentation of each connector
--sink-config-fileThe path to a YAML config file specifying the sink's configuration.
-t, --sink-typeThe sink's connector provider. The sink-type parameter of the currently built-in connectors is determined by the setting of the name parameter. You can use the pulsar-admin sinks available-sinks command to get all built-in sink connectors.
--subs-namePulsar source subscription name if you want to specify a subscription name for the input-topic consumer.
--tenantThe sink's tenant.
--timeout-msThe message timeout in milliseconds.
--topics-patternThe topic pattern to consume from a list of topics under a namespace that matches the pattern.
--input and --topics-Pattern are mutually exclusive.
Add SerDe class name for a pattern in --customSerdeInputs.
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