- Spring Boot
- Tutorial
Produce Messages
Run the following command to run the Spring Boot application for the Producer.
gradle bootRun --args='--producer'
You should see output resembling this:
2024-11-16T21:09:11.161-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = awalther value = t-shirts
2024-11-16T21:09:11.162-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = htanaka value = t-shirts
2024-11-16T21:09:11.162-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = htanaka value = batteries
2024-11-16T21:09:11.162-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = eabara value = t-shirts
2024-11-16T21:09:11.162-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = htanaka value = t-shirts
2024-11-16T21:09:11.162-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = awalther value = t-shirts
2024-11-16T21:09:11.162-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = eabara value = t-shirts
2024-11-16T21:09:11.224-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = jsmith value = book
2024-11-16T21:09:11.225-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = jsmith value = batteries
2024-11-16T21:09:11.225-08:00 INFO 23421 --- [ad | producer-1] examples.Producer : Produced event to topic purchases: key = jsmith value = gift card