1. C & C++
  2. Tutorial

Build Producer

Let's create the producer application by first adding a utility method for setting configuration in a file named common.c:

#include <glib.h>

/* Wrapper to set config values and error out if needed.
static void set_config(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, char *key, char *value) {
    char errstr[512];
    rd_kafka_conf_res_t res;

    res = rd_kafka_conf_set(conf, key, value, errstr, sizeof(errstr));
    if (res != RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK) {
        g_error("Unable to set config: %s", errstr);

Next, paste the following C code into a file named producer.c:

#include <glib.h>
#include <librdkafka/rdkafka.h>

#include "common.c"

#define ARR_SIZE(arr) ( sizeof((arr)) / sizeof((arr[0])) )

/* Optional per-message delivery callback (triggered by poll() or flush())
 * when a message has been successfully delivered or permanently
 * failed delivery (after retries).
static void dr_msg_cb (rd_kafka_t *kafka_handle,
                       const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
                       void *opaque) {
    if (rkmessage->err) {
        g_error("Message delivery failed: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(rkmessage->err));

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    rd_kafka_t *producer;
    rd_kafka_conf_t *conf;
    char errstr[512];

    // Create client configuration
    conf = rd_kafka_conf_new();

    // User-specific properties that you must set
    set_config(conf, "bootstrap.servers", "<BOOTSTRAP SERVERS>");
    set_config(conf, "sasl.username",     "unused");
    set_config(conf, "sasl.password",     "token:<API KEY>");

    // Fixed properties
    set_config(conf, "security.protocol", "SASL_SSL");
    set_config(conf, "sasl.mechanisms",   "PLAIN");
    set_config(conf, "acks",              "all");

    // Install a delivery-error callback.
    rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(conf, dr_msg_cb);

    // Create the Producer instance.
    producer = rd_kafka_new(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf, errstr, sizeof(errstr));
    if (!producer) {
        g_error("Failed to create new producer: %s", errstr);
        return 1;

    // Configuration object is now owned, and freed, by the rd_kafka_t instance.
    conf = NULL;

    // Produce data by selecting random values from these lists.
    int message_count = 10;
    const char *topic = "purchases";
    const char *user_ids[6] = {"eabara", "jsmith", "sgarcia", "jbernard", "htanaka", "awalther"};
    const char *products[5] = {"book", "alarm clock", "t-shirts", "gift card", "batteries"};

    for (int i = 0; i < message_count; i++) {
        const char *key =  user_ids[random() % ARR_SIZE(user_ids)];
        const char *value =  products[random() % ARR_SIZE(products)];
        size_t key_len = strlen(key);
        size_t value_len = strlen(value);

        rd_kafka_resp_err_t err;

        err = rd_kafka_producev(producer,
                                RD_KAFKA_V_KEY((void*)key, key_len),
                                RD_KAFKA_V_VALUE((void*)value, value_len),

        if (err) {
            g_error("Failed to produce to topic %s: %s", topic, rd_kafka_err2str(err));
            return 1;
        } else {
            g_message("Produced event to topic %s: key = %12s value = %12s", topic, key, value);

        rd_kafka_poll(producer, 0);

    // Block until the messages are all sent.
    g_message("Flushing final messages..");
    rd_kafka_flush(producer, 10 * 1000);

    if (rd_kafka_outq_len(producer) > 0) {
        g_error("%d message(s) were not delivered", rd_kafka_outq_len(producer));

    g_message("%d events were produced to topic %s.", message_count, topic);


    return 0;

Fill in the appropriate <BOOTSTRAP SERVERS> endpoint and <API KEY> in the bootstrap.servers and sasl.password properties where the client configuration conf object is created.

Create Topic