1. References

About Function Mesh Operator

Function Mesh is a Kubernetes operator that enables you to run Pulsar Functions and Pulsar connectors natively on Kubernetes, unlocking the full power of Kubernetes' features and resources to realize automating deployment, scaling, and management of Pulsar Functions.

By providing a Kubernetes operator dedicated to Pulsar Functions, Function Mesh simplifies the maintenance of running Pulsar Functions as well as the complexity of creating the complex function topology. Function Mesh is a valuable tool for users who are seeking cloud-native serverless streaming solutions. Key benefits include:

  • Run a single or multiple Pulsar Functions and Pulsar IO connectors natively in the cloud environment, which leads to greater possibilities when more resources become available in the cloud.

  • Utilize the full power of Kubernetes to provision, schedule, and even auto-scale Pulsar Functions and Pulsar IO connectors.

  • Run multiple Pulsar Functions and Pulsar IO connectors as integrity.

For details, see Function Mesh Documentation.

StreamNative Operator