1. Configure

Configure StreamNative Terraform Provider

Install the Provider

You can install the StreamNative Terraform Provider using the following code snippet.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    streamnative = {
      source  = "streamnative/streamnative"
      version = ">= 0.7.0"

Configure the Provider

Once you have added the provider to your Terraform configuration, you need to configure the provider with your StreamNative Cloud credentials.

StreamNative Cloud currently only supports OAuth2 authentication. You need to create a service account with Super Admin access and download the OAuth2 credentials file. Assume your service account name is test-sa and the OAuth2 key file is stored in /path/to/your/service/account/key.json. You can configure the provider as follows:

provider "streamnative" {
  key_file_path = "/path/to/your/service/account/key.json"

Alternatively, if you can't access file in your Terraform setup, you can choose to configure the provider with client_id and client_secret. You can put the actual values of client_id and client_secret as system environment variables or in the Terraform configuration file.

provider "streamnative" {
  client_id     = "<client-id>"
  client_secret = "<client-secret>"

Validate the Configuration

In order to validate the provider is configured correctly, you can try to access the Service Account data source of the SA you used to configure the provider. Below is an example of how to do so. You can replace <organization> and <service-account-name> with your actual values.

data "streamnative_service_account" "test-sa" {
  organization = "<organization>"
  name         = "<service-account-name>"

output "service_account_id" {
  value = data.streamnative_service_account.test-sa

After you have configured the provider and added the code snippet above to your Terraform configuration, you can run the following command to download and install the providers defined in the configuration:

terraform init

You can then run the following command to ensure the configuration is syntactically valid and internally consistent:

terraform validate

Apply the configuration:

terraform apply

You should be able to see a similar output as follows:


service_account_id = {
  "admin" = true
  "id" = "<organization>/<service-account-name>"
  "name" = "<service-account-name>"
  "organization" = "<organization>"
  "private_key_data" = "<private-key-data>"

Full Code Example

Below is the full code example of how to configure the StreamNative Terraform Provider.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    streamnative = {
      source  = "streamnative/streamnative"

provider "streamnative" {
  client_id     = "<client-id>"
  client_secret = "<client-secret>"

data "streamnative_service_account" "test-sa" {
  organization = "<organization>"
  name         = "<service-account-name>"

output "service_account_id" {
  value = data.streamnative_service_account.test-sa