1. Other Tools

Use Pulsar Tools With StreamNative Cloud

Apache Pulsar provides a suite of command-line interface (CLI) tools that can be accessed from the bin/ directory after downloading and extracting the Pulsar distribution. These tools offer a range of capabilities, including starting and stopping Pulsar, managing tenants, namespace, & topics, and doing other operations such as benchmarking. To learn how to use each tool, simply run it with no argument or use the --help argument for detailed instructions.

Most of the Pulsar client CLI tools use a configuration file client.conf stored in the conf/ directory to connect to a Pulsar cluster. You can edit this file to specify the required information to connect to your StreamNative Cloud cluster.

Collect your cluster information

You need to gather the following information for your StreamNative Cloud cluster:

  • webServiceUrl: The Pulsar Web Service URL used for accessing the Pulsar admin interface
  • brokerServiceUrl: The Pulsar Broker Service URL used for connecting to the Pulsar brokers
  • API Key: The API Key for your StreamNative Cloud account
  1. Sign in to your StreamNative Cloud account.

  2. In the Cloud Console, navigate to the cluster you want to connect to.

  3. In the Cluster Dashboard page, select the Details tab.

  4. Copy the HTTP Service URL (TLS) value and paste it into the webServiceUrl property in the client.conf file.

  5. Copy the Broker Service URL (TLS) value and paste it into the brokerServiceUrl property in the client.conf file.

  6. Follow the instructions in Create an API key to create an API key and copy the API Key value.

  7. Add the following value token:<api-key> to the authParams property in the client.conf file. <api-key> is the value you copied in the previous step.

  8. Update the authPlugin property in the client.conf file to org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken.

Use the tools

Run admin commands

You can use the pulsar-admin tool to run admin operations on your StreamNative Cloud cluster. For example, you can use the following command to list all the available tenants in your cluster:


Please make sure the service account has the necessary permissions to run the command.

./bin/pulsar-admin tenants list

Produce messages

You can use the pulsar-client tool to produce messages to a Pulsar topic. For example, you can use the following command to produce 10 messages to a topic named my-topic:

bin/pulsar-client produce -m "test" -n 10 my_topic

You should see the following output at the end of the command:

10 messages successfully produced

Consume messages

You can use the pulsar-client tool to consume messages from a Pulsar topic. For example, you can use the following command to consume 10 messages from a topic named my-topic:

bin/pulsar-client consume -n 10 -p Earliest -s my_sub my_topic

You should see a similar output to the following:

----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461552], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461636], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461704], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461774], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461843], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461913], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941461982], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941462051], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941462121], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
----- got message -----
publishTime:[1732941462189], eventTime:[0], key:[null], properties:[], content:test
Command References