1. References

Kubernetes Operators

A Kubernetes Operator is a controller that manages an application in Kubernetes. It provides a full management life-cycle for the application, including deployment, upgrades, scaling, and configuration changes.

By encapsulating an application's operational knowledge, an Operator enables you to manage applications in a declarative manner. You only need to specify the desired state of their application, and the Operator will take care of maintaining that state, handling any necessary updates or changes automatically.

StreamNative provides the following Operators:

  • StreamNative Operator

    The StreamNative Operator are a set of Kubernetes operators that make it easy to deploy, manage, and scale Apache Pulsar clusters. They provide a declarative API that allows teams to define the Pulsar cluster configuration in Kubernetes manifests, and automatically manage the lifecycle of Pulsar brokers, proxies, and BookKeeper bookies.

  • Function Mesh Operator

    The Function Mesh Operator enables users to run Pulsar Functions and Pulsar connectors natively on Kubernetes, unlocking the full power of Kubernetes' features and resources. By providing a serverless framework that enables you to organize a collection of Pulsar Functions and connectors, the Function Mesh Operator simplifies the process of creating complex streaming jobs.
