StreamNative Private Cloud Overview

StreamNative Private Cloud is an enterprise product which brings specific controllers for Kubernetes by providing specific Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that extend the basic Kubernetes orchestration capabilities to support the setup and management components of:

  • Pulsar Coordinator: manages an entire pulsar cluster using the underlying APIs of ZooKeeperCluster, BookKeeperCluster, PulsarBroker, PulsarProxy. It provides cluster-wide high level configurations and reconciliations.
  • Pulsar Broker: manages a set of brokers nodes of the same broker cluster
  • Pulsar Proxy: manages a set of proxy nodes of the same proxy cluster
  • BookKeeper: manages a set of bookie and recovery nodes of the same bookkeeper cluster
  • ZooKeeper: manages a set of zookeeper nodes of the same zookeeper cluster
  • Console: management console for the Pulsar resources like the Tenants, Namespaces, Topics, Subscriptions.
  • Api Keys: a revoketable JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) authentication service which allows you to create long-lived tokens and revoke them.
  • pfSQL(experimental): a lightweight SQL-like tool that simplifies real-time data processing built on top of Pulsar functions.
  • Connector Catalog(experimental): a catalog for function-mesh-worker-service to retrieve the list of connectors.
  • Oxia(experimental): a scalable metadata store and coordination system that can be used as the core infrastructure to build large scale distributed systems.

Private Cloud architecture

With StreamNative Private Cloud, you can simplify operations and maintenance, including:

  • Provisioning and managing multiple Pulsar clusters
  • Scaling Pulsar clusters through rolling upgrades
  • Managing the Pulsar cluster configurations through declarative APIs
  • Simplify the cluster operation with Auto-Scaling
  • Cost efficiency with the Lakehouse tiered storage
StreamNative Private Cloud