OpenTracing Pulsar Client
Trace Pulsar messages using OpenTracing Pulsar Client
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Apache License 2.0

OpenTracing Pulsar Client integrates Pulsar client with OpenTracing APIs to trace Pulsar messages.


Before install OpenTracing Pulsar Client, make sure you meet the following requirements.


  • Java 8

  • Pulsar client 2.5.1


You can install OpenTracing Pulsar Client by adding the following dependencies.



Before integrating OpenTracing with Pulsar client, you need to create a tracer as below.

// Instantiate tracer
Tracer tracer = ...

// Optionally register tracer with GlobalTracer

Publish message

This example creates an interceptor for a producer and publishes messages using OpenTracing Pulsar Client.

// Instantiate Producer with tracing interceptor.
Producer<String> producer = client
    .intercept(new TracingProducerInterceptor())

// Send messages.
producer.send("Hello OpenTracing!");

Receive message

This example creates an interceptor for a consumer and then receives messages using OpenTracing Pulsar Client.

// Instantiate Consumer with tracing interceptor.
Consumer<String> consumer = client.newConsumer(Schema.STRING)
    .intercept(new TracingConsumerInterceptor<>())

// Receive messages.
Message<String> message = consumer.receive();

Extract span context from messages

This example extracts span context from messages using OpenTracing Pulsar Client.

// To retrieve SpanContext from the message(Consumer side).
SpanContext spanContext = TracingPulsarUtils.extractSpanContext(message, tracer);

Inject parent span for messages

This example injects parent span for messages using OpenTracing Pulsar Client.

TypedMessageBuilder<String> messageBuilder = producer.newMessage();
// Inject parent span context
tracer.inject(context, Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, new TypeMessageBuilderInjectAdapter(messageBuilder));


This chapter provides Pulsar-related explanations.

Span name

Span is the primary building block of a distributed trace, representing an individual unit of work done in a distributed system.

The patterns of span names in the OpenTracing Pulsar Client are as below.



Tag is a key:value pair that enables user-defined annotation of span to query, filter, and comprehend trace data.


The Pulsar-related tags for a producer are as below.

NameDescriptionDefault value
message_bus.destinationTopic name to which a producer sends.N/A
partitionPartition index to which a producer sends.<br><br>-1 represents a non-partitioned topic.N/A
sequenceIdSequence ID of a message that a producer sends.N/A


The Pulsar-related tags for a consumer are as below.

NameDescriptionDefault value
message_bus.destinationTopic name from which a consumer receives.N/A
partitionPartition index from which a consumer receives.<br><br>-1 represents a non-partitioned topic.N/A
messageIdMessage ID of a message that a consumer receives.N/A
sequenceIdSequence ID of a message that a consumer receives.N/A
subscriptionSubscription name of a consumer.N/A

How it works

OpenTracing Pulsar Client leverages Pulsar client interceptors.

As shown in the image below:

  • When sending a message to a topic, the tracing interceptor injects a span context to the message, and the message with the span context is written to a broker.

  • When receiving a message from a topic, the tracing interceptor extracts a span context from the message. The message properties are used as the carriers of the span context.